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We Need Your Help Today

Fleeing the combat zones in the war between the Congolese armed forces and the M23 rebels, thousands of people have left the comfort of their homes and all they owned to seek peace and relative safety in the camps near the city of Goma. During our recent field visit to the Rusayo camp, we found thousands of exhausted, starving, and traumatized men, women, and children. The place is in a horrible state. People have no shelter, blankets, food, or medicine.  Please support our campaign to provide tents, food, and emergency hygiene items to these people at risk. We can help the most vulnerable families survive and cope with this unprecedented crisis. 

Donating is one way of extending a helping hand. By donating, no matter how small, you can be part of the effort to provide emergency shelter, food, and hygiene items to help families cope with the horrific situation in the overcrowded camps for internally displaced people in the DRC. 

Our donation method is quick and easy. It only takes a minute for your donation to be processed to bring immediate support to these at-risk families, including their vulnerable children.
